I love this slide from Lynetters photo stream. She's bloody right too. If it looks like an ad, smells like an ad (read: something being pushed at me at increased volume during the interruption of a thing I've chosen to look at) consumers are unlikely to treat it as the 60 second cinematic triumph the agency and client believe it is. Effective and engaging comms strategies are all about giving consumers a reason to want to spend time with messaging, resources, things. Intrigue wins hands down over bludgeoning Janet-and-John clarity. See the much lauded Dairy Milk 'Gorilla':
A great example of how to garner interest but then do fuck all about fanning the intrigue: would it really have been so difficult to create whosinthesuit.com? Why no interactive voting mechanism for the many who gave the screen both eyes for a change? It just seems such a waste of the all the richness that digital could have offered had the lazy fixation on push-and-shout been overcome with a modicum of pull.