It's really interesting to see how two different groups handle the same issue online. I missed the first installment of Hugh Thingy-Wingy's Chicken Run on Channel 4 last night (we're strictly a crime drama household). Apparently 3.4 million people tuned in to see last night's show. It'll be very interesting to see if this is something that gains momentum in the same way that Jamie's School Dinners did. Anyway, as ever, I digress. This is what I really wanted to blog about:
The RSPCA implores you to fill in the form to help them reach a lofty fifty-thousand signatures by the end of six weeks.
href=""> rewards my sign-up by counting me on the rolling counter and thanking me by name. In the minute between screen grabs the counter went up by a hundred. I just checked the total again before posting this and, oh well, you can see for yourselves via the embeddable banner available from the site: